Duct Flowgids Attenuator Probes
The OAF Attenuator Flowprobe incorporates the CMR Alumimium Flow Probe and has a bottom and top bracket with expansion springs, so that the probe can be pushed into the attenuator slot and is held in position by the spring power and a couple of self tapping screws. The Flowprobes are used to measure the velocity pressure in the passage way of an attenuator to provide a stabil measurement for control, monitoring and alarming.
The FGG FLOWGRIDS are most popular. They are used to measure the velocity pressure accross the complete duct to provide an average differential velocity pressure measurement. They are manufactured as a standard galvanised duct frame with multiple Aluminium Flowprobes positioned internally. The total velocity pressure is captured by the FGG Flowgrid and when used in conjunction with the P-Sensor or any CMR Transmitter.
The all stainless steel VGS VELOGRIDS are used to measure the velocity pressure accross the complete duct to provide an average differential velocity pressure measurement. They are manufactured as a standard stainless steel duct frame with multiple stainless steel Veloprobes positioned internally. The total velocity pressure is captured by the VGS Velogrid and when used in conjunction with the P-Sensor or any CMR Transmitter.